Chapter 10

Outlining the Speech

1. Why it is important to outline your speech.
A. Outline helps a speaker place related items together.

B. Outline helps a speaker ensure that ideas flow from one point to another.

C. Outline helps create a structure for the speech.

((((two types of outlines: 1)preparation outline and 2)speakers outline)))))

2. 8 guidelines in Preparation of the Outline Speech

A. State the Specific Purpose of your Speech (Example: to inform my audience about the four types of firecrackers).
B. Identify the Central Idea (Example: the four types of firecrackers are 1), 2), 3), 4).
C. Label the Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.
D. Use Roman numerals in your outline.

E. State Main points and subpoints in full sentences.

F. Label transitions, internal summaries, and internal previews.

G. Attach a bibliography (see page 227)

H. Give your outline a title

3. Four guidelines for your speaking outline
A. Speaking outline is a brief outline used to delivery.

B. Reason for outline is to help speaker remember what to say. (it contains key words, phrases, stats, quotations and cues).

C. Make sure you prepare and practice in advance. Exact wording is selected when you practice.

D. Outline should be plainly legible and follow the same guidelines (roman numerals-sub-points,etc) as the preparation outline.