|Fundamentals of Speech | Chapter 13 | Chapter 15 | Class SyllabusCalendar of Assignments | Semester Enrollment Schedules

Items to Bring

1.    V.H.S. Tape
2.    Outline
3.    Speaker Note Card
4.    Bibliography Page
5.    Copies of your Sources

Double-Check Your Outline

1.    Underline / Highlight sources
2.    Introduction has 4 main points The 4 main points are:

I.       Attention Getter
II.      Reveal Topic
III.    Credibility & Goodwill (don’t forget this!!)
IV.    Preview your body (make sure you tell audience exactly what you will be discussing - tell us your main points)

4.    Don’t forget to include General Purpose, Specific Purpose, & Central Idea Statements
5.    Label your Outline: Introduction, Body, Conclusion, Transitions
6.    You will have a transition after your intro, between each main point (except for the last one-optional)
7.    Conclusion has 2 main points

I.      Let audience know you are ending
II.    Review your main points
            End with bang / memorable statement

8.    Your Central Idea needs to include your Main Points.
9.    Your introduction & conclusion should not be a paragraph.
10.    Use Roman Numerals.
11.    GET AUDIENCE INVOLVED WITH YOUR SPEECH TOPIC not just in the attention getter.
12.    Don’t just read to us, talk to us -
13.    Use complete sentences in your outline
14.    Don’t forget to tell your audience your sources (site your sources to your audience)
15.    Use MLA Documentation Style (Modern Language Association)
16.    Type all of your work:  Outline, Speaker Note Card & Bibliography Page
17.    Turn off your cell phone.
18.    Do not be late for class.
19.    Dress properly.

|Fundamentals of Speech | Chapter 13 | Chapter 15 | Class SyllabusCalendar of Assignments | Semester Enrollment Schedules